Pegasus Specialist
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A neutrally posted device for maximum high medial and lateral foot control.
Intended to prevent subtalar pronation and mid-tarsal motion.
Rigid polypropylene with a very deep heel cup that fully encompasses the medial and lateral rearfoot.
The UCBL is considered to be a good choice for the hyper-mobile flat foot in pediatric patients.
Gait Plates
Intoeing is generally defined as an abnormal angle of gait with the toes most commonly pointed excessively inward. The rotational (transverse plane) pathology producing this deformity can occur at the level of the hip, knee, tibia, or foot.
A semi-flexible polypropylene shell.
The gait plate orthotic is designed to restrict motion of the 4th and 5th metatarsophalangeal.
The prevention of pronatory compensation by supporting the arch and preventing heel eversion.
In toeing gait plate
Mortons Extension
A milled rigid Morton's extension or one that is applied using a combination of medium to high-density EVA is a foot orthotic design where the shell material extends distally under the first MPJ to the tip of the hallux.
The custom-made orthotic is designed to improve and even eliminate painful forces in MPJ and big toe joints.
Function and Outcome:
Immobilises the 1st MTP joint
Decreases dorsiflexion force at the 1st MTP joint and interphalangeal joint.